Table of Contents

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Revision History

Version 1.0

Date Version Description Author
27.05.2020 1.0 Initial Version qvalentin, open-schnick, Gimleux

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Iteration Test Plan is to gather all the information necessary to plan and control the test effort for a given iteration. It describes the approach to testing the software, and is the top-level plan generated and used by managers to direct the test effort.

This Test plan for FileFighter supports the following objectives:

  • Identifying the items that should be targeted by the tests.
  • Identifying the motivation for and ideas behind the test areas to be covered.
  • Outlining the testing approach that will be used.
  • Identifying the required resources and providing an estimation for the test efforts.

1.2 Scope

FileFighter is tested using different methods of tests to ensure that the implementation is working correctly throughout the development.

1.3 Intended Audience

This document is written mainly for internal usage by the project team and contains technically detailed information about testing the application. The basic description of the application itself is not part of it. Therefore, this document is for the developers and for readers with the necessary background knowledge. However, everyone interested is invited to read this document.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Explanation
SRS Software Requirements Specification
UC Use Case
n/a not applicable
tbd to be determined
UCD overall Use Case Diagram
FAQ Frequently asked Questions
API Application programming interface
MVC Model view controller
REST Representational state transfer
VCS Version control system
nas Network Attached Storage
CI/CD continuous integration continuous delivery/continuous deployment
TDD Test Driven Development

1.4 References

Title Date Publishing organization
FileFighter Blog 13.10.2020 FileFighter
FileFighter Github 13.10.2020 FileFighter
UC Login 13.10.2020 FileFighter
UC Register 13.10.2020 FileFighter
UC View folder contents 13.10.2020 FileFighter
UC Edit permissions 13.10.2020 FileFighter
UC Edit profile 13.10.2020 FileFighter

1.6 Document Structure

See Table of Contents

2. Evaluation Mission and Test Motivation

2.1 Background

The test coverage for our project leads to a better control of new implementations, and the changes made to existing code. It gives us a better possibility to make sure that future changes won’t influence the functionality negatively. The integration of testing into the deployment process ensures that just stable versions which meet our quality requirements are being deployed.

2.2 Evaluation Mission

The main reason for implementing tests is to ensure that occurring problems are identified as early as possible. This leads to stable and working versions of our project. Continuous testing provides us the opportunity to automatically verify the functionality of our project. With Test Driven Development (TDD) the tests are written before the functionality itself gets implemented. This helps to prevent problems before they occur.

2.3 Test Motivators

The motivation to use testing in our project was to reduce functional risks and keep the quality as high as possible. It helps to fulfill the needed requirements and is good for implementing the Use Cases by checking the correct working results.

3. Target Test Items

The following list identifies the tested parts of our application. Tests will cover the main backend functionality as well as the logical implementations.

  • Frontend (JavaScript)
  • Backend (Java)
  • Backend (Haskell)
  • Setup scripts for the client (bash)

4. Outline of Planned Tests

4.1 Outline of Test Inclusions

  • Backend functionality will be tested with unit tests and integration tests using cucumber
  • Logical functionality will be tested with cucumber integration tests.
  • User interface will be tested with snapshot test and automated UI test
  • API will be tested using integration tests

4.2 Outline of Other Candidates for Potential Inclusion

There are possible additional options for testing, but these are not in scope of our testing yet.

  • testing the performance of the application
  • stress testing the server
  • testing of the client scripts

4.3 Outline of Test Exclusions

Currently, the only real exclusion from tests is the testing of the database integration, because we test the logic that uses the database separately.

5. Test Approach

5.1 Initial Test-Idea Catalogs and Other Reference Sources

The concept of unit testing is to structure the code into pieces that are as small as possible. These units are going to be tested individually to check the functionality on the lowest possible level. Due to this partitioning of the implementation, bugs and problems can be found rather easily. If the granular functionalities have been approved, the units can be put together to modules, which then will be tested on this higher level. Unit Testing has proven to be a good way to find bugs and problems in software early and reliable.

The concept of behaviour driven development is to write tests that define how the application should behave before writing the actual code. To do this you can describe test cases in a humane readable format (.feature files) that can be used by non developers. This way the developer gets a guideline for how to implement something and can easily tell if his implementation is correct.

5.2 Testing Techniques and Types

5.2.1 Data and Database Integrity Testing


5.2.2 Function Testing

Technique Objective: Assert correct behavior of each functionality of the project
Technique: Creation of unit tests for each functionality that is part of model or controller. Creating integration tests for each important backend endpoint to ensure that the functions are also working correctly from a users perspective.
Oracles: Successful execution of unit tests using the JUnit Test Runner - Successful execution of unit tests on build
Required Tools: JUnit, Mockito, Cucumber, Hspec
Success Criteria: (This only applies to the rest-backend) All tests pass. That means that each class has a coverage of over 95% tested lines and the overall coverage is over 90%. Also the release workflow on github passes.
Special Considerations: -

5.2.3 Business Cycle Testing


5.2.4 User Interface Testing

automated End-to-End-test run in the browser

Technique Objective automatically exercise the most common scenarios of the interface to test for the correct behavior
Technique Execute each use-case scenario’s individual use-case flows or functions and features, using valid and invalid data
Oracles automated took enters valid data, for example a valid username and a valid password
Required Tools Cypress
Success Criteria All tests pass
Special Considerations Test are recorded as shown below

automated snapshot test

Technique Objective automatically detect changes to the user interface
Technique check the generated html code and compare it with the previous version
Oracles -
Required Tools jest, storybook
Success Criteria All tests pass
Special Considerations test that fail because the design was changed must be updated

5.2.5 Performance Profiling


5.2.6 Load Testing


5.2.7 Stress Testing


5.2.8 Volume Testing


5.2.9 Security and Access Control Testing


5.2.10 Failover and Recovery Testing


5.2.11 Configuration Testing


5.2.12 Installation Testing


6. Entry and Exit Criteria

6.1 Test Plan

6.1.1 Test Plan Entry Criteria

The test plan is active for over 6 months, since we are writing tests first and then implementing the actual logic.

6.1.2 Test Plan Exit Criteria

The execution of the Test Plan is completed when all test run without errors, and the project is finished.

6.1.3 Suspension and Resumption Criteria

The test plan is not supposed to be suspended. Therefore, there are no suspension and resumption criteria.

6.2 Test Cycles

6.2.1 Test Cycle Entry Criteria

Every pushed commit on GitHub triggers the tests to be run.

6.2.2 Test Cycle Exit Criteria

The test effort of a cycle is deemed sufficient when a build has been completed without failures and all unit and integration tests are run successfully.

6.2.3 Test Cycle Abnormal Termination

Occurring errors during the build terminate the test cycle. Then an email is sent to the person who made the changes that caused the test to fail.


7.1 Test Evaluation Summaries

Continuous Integration Service Badges
GitHub Pipeline (Frontend) Latest Release Stable Release Docker Release Docker Pulls Code Smells Lines of Code Security Rating Bugs Duplicated Lines Density CodeFactor End-to-end tests
GitHub Pipeline (Rest Backend) Docker Release Docker Pulls Quality Gate Status Coverage Lines of Code Security Rating Latest Release Stable Release Tests (Master)
GitHub Pipeline (FileHandler Backend) n/a

7.2 Reporting on Test Coverage

Test coverage numbers for the rest backend will be generated by the surefire plugin running in a pipeline with maven.

7.3 Perceived Quality Reports

The tool which is used for quality reports is SonarQube. It shows the number of bugs, code-smells and code duplication in the code as well as several other metrics. The analysis of the code is triggered by the test pipeline. Sonar also shows the test coverage calculated by the surefire plugin. That way we can easily track our code quality. Our dashboard can be found on our own SonarQube instance.

All our projects are getting regularly pull requests created by a tool called renovate. The pull request updates dependencies of our projects. One example of this can be seen here.

Every repository is checked regularly by a tool called Synk is an open-source tool to notify developers about known vulnerabilities in their projects.

Our second tool for creating metrics is codefactor.

7.4 Incident Logs and Change Requests

We are collecting the logs of a running version of the system. We are not tracking any usage of clients or anything like that because we are not human garbage and respect privacy.

Reports by the different tools and test implementations are directly displayed in GitHub, when a merge request is created. We also require reviews by the developers before changes can be merged als shown in the image below

Merging Pull Requests

7.5 Smoke Test Suite and Supporting Test Scripts


7.6 Additional Work Products


7.6.1 Detailed Test Results

Rest Backend

7.6.2 Additional Automated Functional Test Scripts

Rest Backend




7.6.3 Test Guidelines


7.6.4 Traceability Matrices


8.Testing Workflow

When a developer adds new functionality to the project, he also writes an appropriate Unit-Test covering the functionality. All unit tests are then automatically executed on a build. The developer can also test parts of the new code by running the tests from his IDE.

9. Environmental Needs

The test plan also lists the non-human resources.

9.1 Base System Hardware

Resource Quantity Name and Type
Integration Server 1 provided by GitHub
Development Server 1 Linux VM
Database 2 MongoDB provided with docker

9.2 Base Software Elements in the Test Environment

Software Element Name Version Type and Other Notes
Windows 10 Operating System
Linux (Arch btw) current Operating System
Brave current Internet Browser
Chrome, Electron current Internet Browser
Mozilla Firefox current Internet Browser
MongoDB current Database

9.3 Productivity and Support Tools

Tool Category or Type Tool Brand Name
Code Hoster and
CI Service GitHub Actions
Blog Hoster using jekyll
Communication Platform Matrix, Jitsi

9.4 Test Environment Configurations

Docker must be installed to set up the database.

10. Responsibilities, Staffing, and Training Needs

10.1 People and Roles

This table displays the staffing assumptions for the test effort of our project.

Role Person Specific Responsibilities
Test Manager Backend Open-Schnick Ensures that testing is complete and conducted for the right motivators
Test Manager Frontend qvalentin Ensures that testing is complete and conducted for the right motivators
Test Analyst Backend qvalentin Selects what to test based on the motivators
Test Analyst Frontend Gimleux Selects what to test based on the motivators
Tester everyone Implements and executes the tests

10.2 Staffing and Training Needs

All necessary roles are staffed by members of the project team.

11. Iteration Milestones

Milestone Planned Start Date Actual Start Date Planned End Date Actual End Date
Iteration Plan agreed 27.04.2021 27.04.2021    
Iteration starts 27.04.2021 27.04.2021 End of Project  
> = 20% Test Coverage (Backend) 11.05.2021      
> = 30% Test Coverage (Backend) 25.05.2021      
> = 50% Test Coverage (Backend) 15.06.2021      
Tests integrated in CI 27.04.2021 27.04.2021 End of Project  

12. Risks, Dependencies, Assumptions, and Constraints

The risk for our project are outlined in our Wiki, and our blog post about Risk Management.

13. Management Process and Procedures

13.1 Measuring and Assessing the Extent of Testing

13.2 Assessing the Deliverables of this Test Plan

13.3 Problem Reporting, Escalation, and Issue Resolution

Minor Problems will be fixed by the developer of the task. Major Problems will be escalated and handled in an additional YouTrack task.

13.4 Managing Test Cycles


13.5 Traceability Strategies


13.6 Approval and Signoff

This test plan has to be approved by the Test Designer and the Testers.