Greetings sire. The desert awaits you. Image of the Stronghold Advisor

This week’s task was to add some information to our wiki, depicting how we are planning to test the FileFighter system.
It was really easy since we as a group decided to start testing right at the beginning of the project, just a short time after we wrote our first code (somewhat around week two to three).
You can discover it following this link.

In addition, we have to implement at least three types of tests till the end of the semester:

  1. Feature-files
  2. Unit tests (includes visible coverage)
  3. Third test of our choice

Right now we already fulfilled these requirements.
The first feature-files were written in week four as part of a homework and as we decided to perform unit tests for our back end, we already reached Coverage (at the time of publication of this post 94.4%).
Darth Vader: I find your lack of unit tests disturbing
As a third test we implemented snapshot tests in our front end using storybook. In addition we perform integration tests using cypress in our front end. However, it is very likely that a few more types will be added here.
All of these tests are continuously executed via npm or maven in our cicd-pipeline.

Following the following links you can find sample files for each test type and our test plan:

In the use cases section of our wiki (e.g. the crudUsers Use Case) you will find test descriptions matching the activity diagrams used to create the respective unit tests.

Over here you can observe how our unit tests are executed in our IDE:

A coverage report for the frontend can be found here, for the backend the report it automatically processed by sonarQube.

In addition, our test data is stored separately from the rest of the code, an example in the front end can be found here.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!