Software Architecture Document (SAD)
Hello there,
This week we wrote our Software Architecture Document (SAD). You can discover our document here.
Here is a screenshot of our IDE, to proof that we created the diagrams with the IDE.
With IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate you can also easily generate a database schema by connection to the DB directly for the IDE, as described here.
Let us know if you think we can make it better.
Blogging tip of the Day [2]!
Are you having a lot of images on your Blog or Documentation website? Large and not optimized images can drastically increase loading times for your visitors. To prevent this, you should use a tool for compressing them while maintaining the quality. There are for sure quite a lot of tools that you can use for this, but the one that quickly captured our attention is Imgbot. Imgbot will automatically check your GitHub repository for unoptimized images and optimizes them. Because we are using GitHub Pages and Jekyll all the images of both our blog and documentation are always getting optimized, and we don’t have to worry about it at all.
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